Chapter 6 (God loves us because of who He is. We are precious because of His love)

Every May, my group has its anniversary with speakers and a buffet dinner. I look forward to this every year because as I cook I get to spend time with my dead friends. At the grocery store, while buying the food to prepare for the day long cooking, I can’t contain my joy and I smile at everyone I come in contact. They smile back with a look, “Do I know you?”

For a two week period after the diagnosis of the brain tumor, I have basked in the camaraderie of my dead friends company – aw such joy.

While I was critical, the medical staff worried about my physical body, while God kept me company. Every bit of my life, even the messy parts, is precious to both me and my Higher Power.

Also during this two week period, I have heard the choir of angels in my head. I shared this with Bobbi and she said to enjoy, but “stay away from the light” – she needs me to stay alive for awhile.

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